DVI DVB – Il sistema appartine alla famiglia dei sistemi mean reverting. Entra in posizione a fine giornata (ordini at market) in caso di barra ribassista (lato long). Opera su un time frame giornaliero e non ha un’operatività speculare sul lato short, dove sono meno frequenti gli ingressi. Mantiene le posizioni aperte per 2-3 giorni fino a che non rietiene di uscire nuovamente a fine giornata (at market) o in caso di stop loss. Si tratta pertanto di un trading system mean-reverting multiday sull’eMini S&P500 Future. Il numero dei contratti viene calcolato con una formula di volatilità implicita dell’indice, pertanto il numero di contratti è variabile.

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DVI DVB – The system belongs to the mean reverting system family. Enter position at the end of the day (at market orders) in case of a bearish bar (long side). It operates on a daily time frame and does not have a specular operation on the short side, where inputs are less frequent. It keeps its positions open for 2-3 days until it is back to exit again at the end of the day (at market) or in the event of a stop loss. It is therefore a multiday mean-reverting trading system on the eMini S&P500 Future. The number of contracts is calculated with a volitility formula that is implicit to the index, so the number of contracts is variable.

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Access to Algorithmica.Pro systems is reserved exclusively for students in the Unger Academy® One Year Target program. Click here for more information >>>

  • in-sample
  • out-of-sample
Start Date: End Date:
All Trades Long Trades Short Trades
Commissions: Slippage: Contracts:
Data Range: from 19/10/2006 22:15 to 31/05/2024 22:15
Net Profit: 310.872,50
‎Gross profit: 616.420,00
‎Gross loss: -305.547,50
‎Profit Factor: 2,02
‎# of Trades: 370
‎Average Trade: 840,20
‎% Profitable: 54,05 %
Commissions and Slippage: 0,00
‎Drawdown: -26900